Saturday, January 27, 2018

Things we see around us

Dee writes:
At the grocery store today, there was a display of costumes for sale.
You may be wondering why they would sell costumes in January. It's Carnevale! Here's a nice little article about it.

Right in front of the door to our apartment tower, there's a grate in the pavement, over a hole that's about 5 feet deep. Yep, right where we need to stand and get out our keys. We've even a seen a dropped key inside. Needless to say, we're verrry careful.

Up the street from us, someone took the turn too fast and lost control of their car, which ended up plowing through the fence and dropping down several feet, to land on its side. It's been this way for a week. I don't know what happened to the driver and any passengers. It looks pretty bad to me.

Artichokes are much loved here. Isn't this a beautiful way to sell them?

Santa made from plastic cups, with a missionary name tag!

Outdoor ice skating at our local mall Porta di Roma. Look at the orange scooter-style support for beginners. So clever!

These are like the cookies that Grandma Martorano used to make. She pronounced it "doldidi", which sounds about right in Calabrese dialect. Sergio had the same cookies, made by his sister. I sure hope she will share her recipe with me.

Look at the fancy presentation of salame, created by Alessio.

The Befana is a part of Epiphany here, bringing gifts or coal to the children. She is an old crone or witch-type figure. So, you see her on Christmas stockings and as a figurine