Dee was pretty wiped out much of the day on Sunday, but she made it to church. After a nap in the afternoon, she was feeling quite a bit better. I think that Friday and Saturday were a bit too much for her, coming off her illness. It's nice to have her back.
The chapel was pretty full this week. My Sunday School lesson on the pre-existence went quite well, I think. There were good comments from a lot of different people, and I hope that I gave them all something to think about. In addition to reading from Abraham 3, I used quotes from C.S. Lewis ("We might think that God
wanted simply obedience as a set of rules; whereas He really wants
people of a particular sort") and from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ("Science takes things apart to see how they work. Religion puts things together to see what they mean"). In addition, I made them laugh: for example, after discussing the great council in the pre-existence, I said that after the big meeting they probably had a bunch of food and played bingo 😊. It never matters to me that I don't even come close to finishing the lesson material, as long as we have a meaningful gospel discussion.
Once home from church, we just stayed here the rest of the day. It was wonderful to be warm and relaxed. We did some planning for our fairly busy upcoming week, communicating with several different missionaries from around the area. I also wrote up several possible itineraries for my sister Marilyn to consider for her trip here in June. There was a gorgeous sunset visible from our living room window: