Wednesday, January 10, 2018

First Taco Tuesday of 2018

Tuesday Dee was still feeling pretty bad and stayed home to rest. So much for never wanting that to happen again! It is so unusual and frustrating for her to be so sick and for so long. As a result, I was in charge of Taco Tuesday, with a list of instructions she gave me before collapsing into bed again. It all turned out well; four guys in the kitchen can definitely do what my wife does, particularly if we start early!
This lunch was kind of a farewell for Anziano Misa (far right in the first photo below), who gets transferred to Naples on Thursday. We had a good turnout, and it was nice to see the kids again:
In the afternoon, we tried to do a Campus Counsel meeting via Zoom, with Ugo there in person with me, but most of the kids had conflicts and the others had bad internet connections. We'll try it again on Thursday. The kids also took down all the Christmas decorations, so the place looks a little less festive now.

We had only four singers for choir class, including yours truly, but it was a very nice time. Not having my wife's strong alto voice was definitely a minus. Turns out that our teacher, Lorenzo, is the person who translated our Italian LDS hymnbook -- very cool!

It was still fairly warm today, though cooler than the previous few days. There was a bunch of rain, including a real downpour for a while, which was good for my car that needed another wash after getting dirty parked under some trees in recent days.

Tonight there were a few students for the English class here; the class had shrunk to almost nothing when the stake center recently reopened after remodeling, with the classes moving back there. One of the students is a young Catholic priest from Burundi, studying for his master's degree in Catholic doctrine at a Vatican university. He grew up with French as his second language, but his Italian is wonderful and his English is pretty good too. It was fun to meet him; we had a good chat.