Saturday morning the internet still wasn't working with our new fiber modem. For a quick fix, we started using my "MiFi" portable device with its 1GB SIM card. I called Vodafone tech support. They told me to leave the modem connected using their DSL RJ11 cable for two hours to allow it to register. Didn't work, as I expected. Then they said to try a different phone jack, nearer the door. We waited two hours and it still didn't work. When I called them back, they finally looked more carefully at the account notes and realized that their technician had come out, disconnected the old DSL, but for some reason hadn't completed the fiber activation. They could have figured that out the first time. When I asked when they could finish the job, they said that their techs don't work weekends, so it would be Monday, at the earliest! Yikes.
So I told them I was using their SIM card in my MiFi and wondered if they could give me some more data on it in the meantime. The guy said he would give me 15 GB per day until the issue got resolved! All of a sudden I was a happy camper. He asked me to give him a good review if I got a survey, at least a 9 or 10, and I asked if it was possible to give him an 11; he laughed. So we're in a holding pattern for the weekend, but at least we have internet, and it's actually far faster than our old DSL, north of 50 Mbit/sec download. If we could have 15GB/day forever, I'd be pretty happy!
The weather has been pretty warm and sunny the past few days. Winter's probably not over, but it is a welcome respite. We drove down to Metro to get some cheese, sour cream, tortillas, and other stuff and that can't be found easily or at all elsewhere. They were out of tortillas, so we'll have to go back. We also bought their house brand of amaretti cookies -- yum! On the way home, I dropped Dee off at the mall for a few hours to do clothes shopping. She far prefers to do that alone, else she feels bad making me wait around. Meanwhile I went home to talk with Vodafone, as well as a trip to Conad for fresh produce for us. I went to the Chinese store to look at shower curtain rods for our project for the Roma 1 Sorelle. It looks doable. I also found a shorter adjustable rod that I had missed earlier, so I didn't actually need to do surgery on the one for Ladispoli! Oh well; it was fun. When I picked up Dee from the mall, we stopped at Lidl
for some more food items, mostly for the Institute for the coming week.
She bought just one thing, but she now knows the mall fairly well.
In the middle of the day I got a message from the other Sunday School teacher saying he couldn't make it Sunday and asking me to sub for him. I'm always quite happy to do so, though more notice would have been nice, particularly because I was pretty tired, not having slept well for some reason for a few nights. I had time to print out my lesson materials and go over it a bit, but we were both exhausted and in bed soon after 9pm.