Saturday morning my cold hit hard. I was scheduled to volunteer at the Open House in the evening, but my energy was way too low to even think about it. For a couple of hours during the night I was awake, but was finally able to get to sleep again and woke up around 8am. The morning was spent doing housework: washing dishes, emptying trash, doing a load of laundry, and ironing six shirts. When I went around to collect trash from the various wastebaskets, it was sad to see the one in Dee's bathroom completely empty. After all that, I was exhausted and tried to take a nap, to no avail -- it is often hard for me to get to sleep in the middle of the day, unfortunately.
Apparently the final day of the temple Open House was the busiest yet, with about 7500 visitors. Because of the good turnout, the local leaders got approval to do one final day: next Saturday, Feb 23. Dee will be back then, and it will give us a chance to take Anna and Roberto, who were too sick to go this week. I should be over my cold by then too.
In the afternoon I spoke with Dee. Her dad is really not doing well: sleeping much of the time, in pain, can't hear, can't remember, and can barely walk with the pain. This is much worse than she had understood he was doing, so it is good that she is there to see it in person. She is struggling to find in-home care that her parents will like and accept. Her sister Donna will come back to LA earlier than planned, right after Dee comes back here this week, and then we may need to return home early. Stay tuned for what we figure out, as there are a lot of moving parts to consider in all this.
In the evening, I worked on my Sunday School lesson (Matthew 4, Luke 4-5, John 2-4), and also did some bookkeeping work for us and for my in-laws. My father-in-law had fallen behind on paying some bills, due to his memory issues no doubt, and I have been able to transfer control of those accounts (that I know about) to us to manage.