Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dee alone at the Institute

Sunday night to Monday morning was a bad night. My sinuses were very full and roiling all night, as if there were a big battle going on in there, but at least it wasn't painful. I had weird and fitful dreams about sleeping in different locations with different pillows, but I couldn't have had more than 2-3 hours of sleep total, yet again. By morning, it felt like things were calming down in there, and briefly my left nostril even cleared up. So perhaps this is a good sign, but I still felt cruddy all day and never even showered. To add insult to injury, our smoke alarm decided to go off on its own in the middle of the night, for no apparent reason. It kept chirping, and I finally just broke off the kill tab, so I will need to get a new one. These non-removable batteries have real downsides.

The Balzottis were still in Napoli, having driven down Sunday with the Burns, and they would do some cameo shopping at the De Paola factory there, arriving back at the train station about 9pm. That left Dee  to go down alone to the Institute on the subway, which she is very capable of handling. I certainly wasn't going anywhere. She picked up some tortillas at Todis on the way to the subway,  since we were a little low.

During the day I was able to rest a little bit and started to feel slightly better. The Sorelle below us bought me some of the Ricola cough drops that I love; I repaid them with change in a napkin so that they didn't have to touch anything I had handled recently. Sorella Millet brought by some Italian decongestant to try, as well as a saline nasal rinse kit which she uses every day. I tried it and it does seem to clean things out somewhat.

At one point, I actually had enough energy to call Delta airlines and see about recovering the Comfort+ seating funds that we had spent originally on our March 21st return date.  Unfortunately, they told me that I could have used those funds to buy Dee's ticket, but not to upgrade the seats. Having already purchased the tickets, it was too late. Bummer. Maybe I can use the money for another trip after we get home. I was able to get an exit row (leg space, for free!) on my flight from Rome to Atlanta.

Dee gave the FHE lesson and made the dessert all by herself. I had hoped to video in by Zoom, but wasn't feeling up to it. 
She met the Balzottis at the train station just after 9pm, taking the subway and walking home with them. We worry about a cute little lady walking home alone in the dark, so that was nice. I was already out for the night when she got home.