Friday, November 2, 2018

Busy All Saints Day

Thursday, Nov 1, was a national holiday, so the Institute was closed. It was nice to have some time at home, but we stayed pretty busy. Dee still wasn't feeling well in the morning, but improved as the day went on. I went to Conad and the Chinese store in the morning. They had no shower curtain rods, so later I went to the other Chinese store up the street and hit pay dirt.

I also worked on submitting my chiropractor bills for reimbursement to our Aetna International health insurance, but it didn't work. I got almost all the way through the online claim process several times, but then it kicked me out and had me start over when I tried to upload the scanned image of the receipts. A call to their support line didn't help much, other than to say try again tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how hard it ultimately is to submit and then whether they will reimburse me. I did it a different way with no trouble, but it's hard to recreate that setup.

In the afternoon we went together to Lidl to get stuff for Friday night's dinner, since they didn't have all the sausage we needed when we went on Wednesday. No luck on that front, but we bought some stuff anyway. From there we went to the apartment of the Roma 5 Sorelle to install their new shower curtain rods. This is the third apartment where we have done this, and it is fairly easy now. Doug is a whiz at it. It's a good thing he's tall, too. Dee had to come with me because they cannot have a man enter their apartment alone. She was a good sport and a big help getting things lined up. We also showed them that their AC units are also heaters, which thrilled and surprised them because it has been getting chilly overnight. The greenie sister didn't even know they had warm comforters and was really suffering.

Now they have shower curtains, but no way to hang up the shower head above their knees. Even if they had a standard high shower head, the tile is at most 5 feet tall, so we have a problem. They live in a new apartment that formerly had Americans in it, so there are heaters in every room. And it has grass and shade out side. And big balconies. And a washer/dryer! We don't have apartment envy, no sirree.

On the way home we stopped at Todis for some flat bread for Dee's Primary lesson, as well as some tortillas, though they only had one package. I dropped Dee off at home and then ran over to the mission office in my IT support role. I was there for a couple of hours and worked with Anziano Millet, Anziano Balzotti, and Sorella Thacker. In each case I was able to give some useful assistance, and they were all very appreciative of my help. In the evening at home I worked on my lessons for Friday until I couldn't stay awake any more, hitting the sack by about 10pm. Even our "off" days are busy, which is probably a good thing.

Our shopping cart bit the dust, so I went out later to get a new shopping cart, but the ones at our local Chinese store were too small. I need to find out where our current one came from. It's big enough for a Lidl bag. I planned to get some things at Conad, but forgot they would be closed in the afternoon due to the holiday.

In the evening, I cooked myself some salmon and sauteed zucchini. They have two kinds here. One is lighter green and more fluted and costs more, then they have the regular dark green kind. I tried both, and can't tell the difference in flavor. It was a delicous meal. I need to do that more often!

Meanwhile, when Doug went to bed I stayed up to get my parents' AARP medical cards printed for Lynn. It ended up taking a couple of hours, so I went to bed after midnight. I'm so glad to have that taken care of.