Monday I had a dental hygiene appointment scheduled in the morning, as well as a conference call in the afternoon. However, I woke up feeling cruddy with my cold, so I just cancelled stuff and stayed home to rest. After a brief late morning nap, I felt quite a bit better, but I was cold and tired all day. I finished reading One Candle, plus did some other reading and a bit of lesson prep for Friday. Otherwise, my day was pretty laid back, never leaving the apartment at all, which was probably the right thing.
Dee carried the torch for us, taking the subway to the Institute for the day. She hasn't driven since she broke her foot over six months ago, and she didn't feel comfortable starting again without me after all this time. In the morning, she walked up to Todis but didn't find everything she was hoping for (e.g., tortillas). The Benincosas would give the FHE lesson their self-reliance program, and Dee made dessert. Then they accompanied her back on the subway to the Jonio stop and drove her the rest of the way home.
Riccardo had a terrible cold but came anyway, even with the heavy rain. About half a dozen GANS braved the storm. It shows how much they like being at the Institute together. Ugo's vision that brought the Institute to life has been a great blessing here.
Dario picked this quote for the FHE, which I really liked: “If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.”