Our group for Taco Tuesday was fairly small by recent standards. The Motts showed up, taking a taxi to get here quickly after their group tour at the Vatican. They got to meet about half a dozen kids, and they were both very friendly and outgoing with everyone. We visited with them for a couple of hours, showing them around the Institute and discussing how some things work here. It is nice that they had this opportunity to preview their assignment and ask a bunch of questions. They also brought two large and heavy rolling duffel bags with them, filled with stuff for their mission, including the forever-important taco seasoning. We will keep their bags at the apartment until they arrive in March to replace us. Ugo and Jenna each dropped by for a little while and got to meet them in person.
Ugo, the Motts and the Whitings |
After tacos, Junior left to go to the temple Open House. He had gotten a ticket online, but he may also go with the big group of kids Wednesday night. Arsene messaged me to say that he was running a high fever, so we will postpone our visit to the temple together until next week.
Chris came by to print out his resume and documents, and he also had a taco. His new job, selling guided tour tickets on the street, isn't going very well; it is the wrong season of the year. Samuel came by to do some Pathway homework, and of course we got to feed him too. He worked alone for quite a while and stayed until evening. Eventually he needed help with his assignments. He is learning the parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, but has no concept of how that works. Dee did a good job trying to explain it and walked him through the assignment. At one point he finally grasped one of the ideas and his face just lit up with a huge grin, making it all worthwhile, but he still has a long way to go to understand this stuff. He is trying so hard!
At 5pm we had a missionary committee meeting, with Joyce, Veronica, us, and the two new Ganziani. They are very sharp and enthusiastic, and we were able to train them on their role here.
I showed them the Covey matrix of urgent/not urgent/important/not important. They hadn't seen it before. It's a clear tool for life planning and I love it.
Anziano Faletti |
Anziano Rouse |
Ugo came by to make tiramisu for the European Area S&I training meetings going on this week at a hotel around the corner. A couple of his colleagues, one from Puglia (Ettore) and one from Albania, were there as well.
Team Tiramisu: Ettore and Ugo |
Linda and I both cried when I told her we only have seven weeks left. She tried to put a good face on it, saying we have Skype and Whatsapp. She didn't want to go to class with red eyes. I'm sure going to miss her.