Saturday, January 26, 2019

Help for Chris

Friday started by learning that my mission credit card had been cancelled by mistake. Anziano Willey was trying to clean up some unused cards from missionaries who have gone home, and he inadvertently added mine to the list. I told him that it wasn't a big deal, since we rarely use it. With less than two months left, it isn't worth trying to replace it. Then on the way to Institute we filled up the car, which had gotten pretty low. The credit card connection on the pump didn't work, so I had to pay cash, but managed to fill the car exactly for 35€. Overall, it was a bad morning for credit cards!

Manuel came early to the campus, waiting for Jomar who didn't show until much later. Aisha was here from Malta with family to see Rome, and Manuel and Jomar had planned to accompany them. After a while, Manuel just went out with her family and without Jomar, who is admittedly hard to get in touch with.

My Seminary group was 11 kids, even with two of our regulars missing. Our lesson was on the restoration, specifically talking about D&C 1:30, a mastery scripture which includes the phrase "the only true and living church." We discussed what that means and what it doesn't mean, in particular that it doesn't imply that we are better than anyone else. I noted how much I have learned about faith from many of my non-LDS friends. Then we played some scripture games, ending with bingo as always. Dee had made an apple pie, but only some of the kids ate some. Desserts just aren't as big of a thing here. Ugo was there for the evening, and he is very delighted with how much these kids love coming and being together. It will help them be accustomed to coming to the Institute when they get that age. His wife, an early morning online Seminary teacher herself, says that this class is one of his most inspired ideas ever, and we sure love it!
A few of the Seminary kids are working on a puzzle
Dee spent almost the entire afternoon preparing enchiladas. There were several interruptions which were welcome but ended up making it challenging to get the dinner finished on time. She came through in  her usual wonderful fashion (just barely in time, whew!), including a nice salad. Samuel came for the evening, and I gave him about 15 minutes of help with his homework and English, but that was all the free time I had. Friday seems to work best for him, but it is too busy for me, so I encouraged him to try Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday if he wants more help.

Chris, our Nigerian friend who is living on the street, came by after I called him. He has been looking for a place to stay, but it will probably take a while. We gave him a used smartphone, which he really needs. Dee also fed him, and we gave him a used coat, plus a blanket, pillow, and USB battery. These are all things we can live without, and it isn't much. Another friend paid for him to stay in a hotel for the next three nights, which is a real blessing for him, particularly since the weather is very cold right now. When we messaged later in the evening, he was feeling very blessed for all these things in one day.

Institute class was on D&C 88, a long section with lots of profound teachings. There was a fairly big group by the end, and we had some very good discussions on the eternal nature of our body, light, teaching, and choosing what kind of people we want to be for the eternities. 
The two new Ganziani, Faletti and Rouse, showed up and introduced themselves in class. They seem really sharp and energetic. Dee's dinner disappeared quickly.
We ended up leaving for home after 10pm, rather late even for Friday. Dee had to call home to talk with her sister Donna, because Lynn was not feeling well and couldn't come. We also had a bunch of food to pack up and bring home for our guests this weekend. Most of the kids were still hanging out, which is always fun to see.