Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sick chick

Saturday morning I went to Conad and the Chinese store, then spent much of the rest of the day on my talk and lesson for Sunday.  Dee was not feeling very well almost all day, with head and stomach problems. She has had a rough few days. She worked on her Relief Society lesson in the afternoon, as well as making a side dish and some cookies for our ward Halloween party in the evening. I put homemade candy eyes on some store-bought cookies. They came out really cute!
We left at 5pm to go to Metro to buy meat, cheese, sour cream and chocolate chips. The car was pretty full already with things for the party and for the two new Sorelle in our ward, who don't have blankets. Our blankets from the guest room won't be used for a while, so we packed them up to give to them. I stayed in the car at Metro, since it was full of stuff, and Dee did the shopping while I worked on timing my talk. It was raining on and off, and the new windshield wiper seemed to work well. We picked up two Sorelle while they were out contacting and took them to their apartment to drop off the blankets and our extra hair dryer that we were giving to them. They only have one bathroom for the four of them, so two have to shower at night and were going to bed with wet hair. Then we took them to the Halloween party, while the rain was absolutely pouring.

The Halloween party was fairly well attended, with lots of good costumes and food. Bishop Magnanti and his wife dressed as Pharoah and the queen, with their daughter being a mummy:
Magnantis from Egypt
Jenna doing activities with the kids
Itala Bosco and Sandra Ledebur
The Hubers with Sorella Magnanti

We enjoyed ourselves but didn't stay too long, particularly since Dee wasn't feeling very well, after having rallied a bit. On the way home we filled up the car, which had gotten down to a quarter tank, with a lot of driving coming up on Sunday. With Daylight Savings Time ending here, we had a welcome extra hour of sleep, and Dee was out pretty early.

Friday I knitted a bunch on Samuel's Kraken mitt. I want to get them done, and it was an ideal opportunity, during Doug's zoom class. But I was surprised by how much my hands and thumb joints hurt that night!

As we were shopping at Auchan and Ikea, we realized it was the last time we would buy certain things. It's not my normal behavior to actually count how much of something I will need. It's a good thing to learn.

A few days ago, someone was parked in the way, making it hard to get into the driveway at the Institute. Doug scratched up the car, which I say he did to make me feel better. The poor little car is really dinged up.