Despite the notice posted (see below) about the elevator being serviced all day, we had no trouble using it. When we got home at night, some of the interior trim had been removed and obviously needed replacement, so perhaps something didn't get finished. In any case, it was good that Dee didn't need to descend six floors of stairs. She is moving a whole lot better, using just one crutch and sometimes none. In Italy, dates are written day/month/year. That's why it says 19/06/18 for June 19.
I sent out an updated tentative itinerary for Wes's visit next month and got a positive response, so now I need to start making a bunch of reservations.
We arrived at the Institute in plenty of time to prepare for Taco Tuesday. There were a bunch of kids this time around, including Claudia, who usually can't come on Tuesdays. It is not quite clear why the numbers vary so much from week to week, but apparently school is over now for most, so that it is probably why. Anyway, it was much larger than recent groups, and it is always fun to have that much youthful energy around.
Claudia helping out |
Dee made several batches of chocolate-chip cookies, including some for our apartment inspections on Wednesday. There was a pretty big group in the evening for English class, at least by recent standards. At the end of the class, I asked for their help with the cookies and carrot cake, and wow did their faces light up! Food is powerful stuff, but we try to use it responsibly 😀
Lots of people came to talk with me today: Alessio, Maria Jose, and Marcus, an RM from Brazil. Also, Fabrizio came for the first time since the birth of his baby Matthias. He looked so tired. And TannerM came. He is here with LDS Charities. He and his wife both served in this mission. And Chris Campos brought a friend, Laura. Nineteen people signed in today!
I helped Martine with her math homework for Pathway. We did it by phone this time. The problems take some time, but I'm really enjoying it and it helps Martine.
The elders ended up giving a lesson and a Book of Mormon to Chris. He's been here a few times, but didn't know much about the Church yet. Later that night we had a fun talk with the elders and their English class student, Stefano. Elder Bardsley is from New Zealand and doesn't say his r's, so Italian is particularly hard for him to pronounce.
I'm walking around inside without a crutch and outside with just one, and no pain at the break. I'm eager to get into the brace and out of the boot, but the doctor has had some tech troubles and hasn't sent me the model info yet.