I spent a bunch of time working on my Sunday School lesson, about Balaam and the talking donkey -- should be interesting! To help prepare I watched movie excerpts on YouTube from the Italian version of Shrek where the donkey talks -- not quite Eddie Murphy, but fairly similar ππ. Dee was preparing for a big presentation Sunday in Primary. I also updated the Institute Facebook page and did a lot of messaging on various upcoming topics.
We have a whole bunch of ways to communicate here, and it often is a bit confusing trying to figure out which method makes the most sense for a particular conversation. Here is a list:
- phone calls within Italy using our Italian SIM cards
- phone calls to/from the US using Google Voice and Skype
- texting within Italy (we also each use a service to allow us to text via our laptop: I use Pulse, Dee uses MightyText)
- texting to/from the US using Google voice, both on our phones and on the web
- WhatsApp messaging and calls (we also use WhatsApp Web on our laptops)
- Skype
- MagicJack
- Zoom
In the afternoon Dee walked down to Conad to get a few food items, as well as the Chinese store to look for some supplies for her Primary presentation. In the evening, she made a large batch of luscious cookies for Primary with peanut butter and Hershey's kisses, both rare treats here.
In the evening I spent a bunch of time updating the running history for our Institute center in the months of March and April, putting in the major activities, along with a bunch of photos. It is good to do this as the year goes along rather than waiting for the end. This blog serves as my guide and reminder for what to include. It is fun to review all the things we have done, though often it makes me tired just reading about it all!