Saturday for me was a day to relax mostly at home. It was a warm and gorgeous day: I wore a polo shirt for the first time in months, as well as sandals while inside. My cold is past the sore throat stage now, but I can't breathe unassisted and am feeling very tired. I took two naps, but I did run out a few times for small errands, such as making an extra key for our mailbox and getting some bread downstairs. In the afternoon I also filled the car up for some driving we anticipate doing on Sunday; while I was out I felt good enough to make a quick Lidl run, with a list from Dee and some things for me as well. Later I walked up to Todis to get some food items, mostly for the Institute. I also worked on my Sunday School lesson quite a bit (Numbers 11-14;21), which should be an enjoyable discussion. In the early evening I spoke with my mom and sister on the phone.
Meanwhile, by contrast, Dee was gone all day. She left just after 8am for the final day of the genealogy conference downtown, which started an hour late. She came back about 7pm, so it was a long day, but overall she really enjoyed it and made some contacts that may be helpful in the future. She hopes to write up some details of her conference experience as a separate blog entry.