On the way home we stopped at the local hardware store to get a couple of keys copied, as well as a slightly larger tool chest to take with us on apartment inspections. One of the keys, for our apartment, is an unusual type for Americans, though I had similar ones in Switzerland decades ago. It has indentations, not ridges, and I believe it is supposed to be more secure.
In the afternoon we walked to Conad to get some food for us, and also to the Chinese store to get a few things. We spent the rest of the day in the apartment, catching up on bills/paperwork and doing some minor rearranging. Our 3TB network attached storage (NAS) device is now installed and I did my first full laptop backup to it. I also tacked down the DSL phone cable around the room and over the door frame to the the top of the bookshelf, which is the new location for our modem, router, and NAS. I fixed two doors in my Ikea desks (Micke line) which made a horribly loud squeaking sound whenever they were opened. Turns out there's a set screw that spaces the door out from the frame a bit, and now they open silently.
My wife's mom is in the hospital, having fallen three times yesterday. She didn't break anything, but we are concerned and hopeful that they can figure out what's going on. My wife spoke with her mom and her dad this evening (morning California time), but we still don't know much.
Tonight daylight savings time ends here in Italy, a week before the US switches, so we get an extra hour of sleep. We're looking forward to a good day at church tomorrow, without a meal as far as we now!