Sunday, August 19, 2018

Packing for Switzerland

Saturday was a day at home, except for one quick walk to the Chinese store to buy some plasticware for our trip. I did a bunch of financial stuff: balancing accounts, paying bills, etc. It was a  strange Saturday for me, in that there was no lesson to give or to prepare! I spent some time figuring out how to get a Google Voice account for the Benincosas with their existing US cell numbers, currently on T-Mobile, along with a free US phone number and app. They want to cut off their T-Mobile bill, as they wouldn't have a phone to put those SIM cards in anyway. After trying a few options, I selected GrooVe IP as the phone app, which seems to work well on Android; hopefully the iOS version will work for them. The service is free, supported by non-intrusive ads. This way they will be able to continue receiving calls and texts here on the US number, which is particularly nice for her mother who is not very techy but wants to stay in touch.

In the afternoon we each started packing for the trip, which meant pulling down our big suitcases. Never having been on this trip before, we don't entirely know what to expect, either in terms of weather or accommodations, so we are packing a lot of stuff. For example, the patron housing provides bedding for us, but we have to bring our own towels, as well as a big pillow if we want it (apparently they only give us a little one). It will be interesting to see how much we can fit, as we need to bring some food as well, both for the bus and for once we get there. Stay tuned--it will be an adventure.

In the afternoon there was another thunderstorm, cooling things off nicely. The weather has been much more friendly this week with rain almost every day. I called my mom and my sister in the afternoon, and in the evening I called my sister Karen and her husband Dave to discuss more details of their itinerary while here in October. We agreed on a few things, and then I started making hotel reservations. All of those got done, but then Dave's credit card started balking, probably due to security concerns, which is understandable. After that I used my own credit card or Paypal and will have them reimburse me. I'm excited about their visit. It was fun to talk with them about options. This time, I will probably get to go to Pompei, now that my foot is all better. And I hope to shop with Karen. She has a gift for finding cool stuff.

We both got to bed late.

In the morning, I went walking in a different neighborhood. It's near our apartment, but not on our usual travel route. I found two alterations shops. I need one, since I don't have a sewing machine, so I was really happy to find them so close. I had seen them on Google maps, but hadn't understood where they were exactly.
Anyway, I had to cut the walk a little short to pick up an Amazon package from our portiere Paolo before the end of his short Saturday hours. He is such a nice man, always helpful, friendly and pleasant.

It took all day to do laundry, pack and prep for Switzerland. I was glad we had the time. While I worked, I listened to Sarah, a book by Orson Scott Card about Sarah from the Old Testament. It's a historical novel about the period, and I'm enjoying it very much. It's available through Overdrive for free.

I also spent some time prepping to knit. I've been having some trouble on the Kraken mittens, and I want to make them while we're on this trip. 

People starting wishing Ugo a happy birthday on WhatsApp. He's not excited about celebrating it, and we didn't even know it was his birthday although we've known him nearly all his life. Wait until you find out what happened to him the next day.