Monday morning, Dee went to get a followup x-ray and to see her foot doctor. She took public transit, even though I encouraged her to take a taxi to baby her foot. However, she likes the buses and subway, and she also wants to build her foot and legs muscles back up. Apparently all went quite well, with the x-ray showing a lot of healing and her foot feeling very good in tennis shoes. The doctor even saw her early, which was very nice.
So I got a morning at home, allowing me to prepare for a bunch of things to come this week. I walked to Conad to get some produce for home, particularly with our visitors coming. Then I went in to the Institute alone for the day, since Dee went home directly from the doctor and cleaned up the house for our visitors. During the afternoon I did a bunch of lesson prep for next weekend, including printing out all the lesson materials.
I got the Pickerd laptop cleaned up quite a bit, after doing a full backup first. I deleted about 40 GB of old or duplicate files to free up some room, then got Office 2016 to (re)install with some tech support help from Dell. I also ordered a Samsung 500 GB SSD which will arrive in a day. Finally, we had an extra italian power cord for her AC charger, so that she wonn't have to use a plug adapter any more here.
The Ganziani gave the FHE lesson, with a smallish group. Anziano Lewis made up a nice lesson encouraging us to give up one of our flaws and to add a new strength. He did it with a fun activity and got everyone involved. Their P-day had been rather turbulent, with Anziano Papritz's bag getting stolen at the park during a zone ultimate Frisbee game. He lost their keys and phone, his tablet, his debit card, and his permesso document. Yikes. He was quite mellow about the whole thing, much more so than I would have been. Dee had made peanut butter cookies for dessert, which is a real favorite for Ashley. They had a great game of Uno.
Wes and Alyssa 's plane arrived somewhat late at the airport. They were both very tired after not having slept much. That actually could work out well, as they were ready to zonk as soon as we got home (about 11pm), with busy days coming up. It was so good to see him and to meet her in person.