Thursday, May 3, 2018

X-rays confirm...

Wednesday morning I walked down to Conad to buy some produce, both for me and for our big event Thursday night. A big shipment of parts arrived from Amazon for the desktop computer we will be building soon, and the rest will be here by Saturday. 

Dee called the doctor, who ordered her an X-ray at a clinic near their office, which is downtown well past the Institute. We headed out about 11:30am, hoping to get there before their 1pm lunch break. Traffic was slow, and after a while she called to see if we would make it; the answer was no, so they gave her a 4:30pm appointment time. Thus we just ended up at the Institute a bit early, which was fine. We didn't bring much in the car, because of course Dee is on crutches. She borrowed a backpack from Sorella Muce who lives beneath us, which works much better for her than a shoulder bag right now.
Margie came by to plan the Honduran dinner for Thursday night, and my wife got to the point of understanding well enough what Margie has in mind. I made two batches of our taco meat to be used in one of the dishes Thursday night. I also printed a bunch of things and posted some of them on the bulletin board. Our color laser printer is great; I want one when we get home! Adrian, our recently departed missionary to Milan, has two last names; we had used the wrong one, so he asked us to use the one selected for his name tag, and we were happy to comply.
About 3:30pm we left to drive down to the clinic. It is a lovely surprise to just be driving and see the Colosseum straight ahead, driving almost completely around it to get to our destination. Fortunately there was parking on the street right nearby the clinic after I dropped Dee off outside. We were there for about two hours, first getting the X-ray after being in line for awhile, and then waiting for the radiologist to read it and give a diagnosis. It was written up in Italian, with some words we don't know, but it was easy enough to read that her fifth metatarsal was broken. I dropped the X-rays off at the doctor's office around the corner; she won't see them until Friday. However, the doctor was wonderful, speaking with my wife on the phone later in the evening and telling her to stay off her feet as much as possible, and ordering a tech to come out to our apartment Thursday morning to fit a boot for her foot. The doctor made it sound pretty serious, which probably was aimed at scaring my wife into taking it easy -- not her natural inclination, as you all know.