Tuesday we went to Lidl before heading downtown, buying a bunch of stuff for the Institute and for some cooking Dee will do this coming weekend. On the way back, we stopped off at the police station for Dee to get her permesso. It took longer in line than we had expected -- about 45 minutes -- but we left home plenty early so that wasn't a problem. Now we are both allowed to stay here through December, 2019, though we will be home well before that!
Our Italian vocabulary book got delivered, but was not at all what it appeared to be. Instead of including lots of vocabulary words with definitions, it seems to be a book about Italian vocabulary in some sort of theoretical/categorical sense. Not at all useful for what we had in mind. Sigh. What is interesting/frustrating here is that books on amazon.it don't seem to have the feature allowing you to look at the first few pages like they do in the US.
Taco Tuesday was back to its more typical size after some really huge events. It was definitely easier to manage, but not quite as much fun!
There were a few faces we hadn't seen much, which was nice. I overheard one of the kids ask Alkmini (a non-member from Athens) where she wanted to serve her mission! We didn't hear her answer 😀. After lunch ended, my wife made a couple of batches of chocolate chip cookies, which ended up very flat and spread out but tasting wonderful.
We had choir at 5:30pm, with a pretty good showing thanks to the Anziani and Sorelle being there a bit early for English class and joining in. The cookies were for a choir treat, which helps with socializing, and everyone loved them.
During the afternoon my wife cooked a bunch of chicken legs in the two crock pots for events this weekend. Dee writes: The smell of the chicken tantalized the Institute visitors more than the cookies! She was able to get them cooled down enough to bring home in a pot, so she can shred them here. We had a whole bunch of bags to bring home. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a parking spot nearby and ended up carrying it all through the rain for a while. It was good to get home a bit sooner than usual, since Wednesday will be an early day for us.